Vision Letter:
complimentary access
Available January 26, 2024
In this evidence-based process you will be guided to dream about and document your ideal future and visualize what will be required to achieve it. After completing the reflection prompts, Ampelis will deliver a well-crafted narrative form Vision Letter for you to review and return to periodically for direction and motivation.
This process is just that, a process - one that will help you think about questions that will shape your vision of the life you hope to live. Please anticipate 2-4 hours to complete all of the questions. You can do this all at once or break it up and do it section by section over time.
However you choose to do it, we encourage you to create time and space where you can limit interruptions, ponder deeply, and approach this with energy and excitement!
15-Year Vision Letter
Valid for 6 months
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Highland, UT 84003
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